HDT Supplier Ethics Policy

Heavy Duty Traders, LLC and its affiliates are committed to the highest standards of product quality and business integrity. HDT requires all its suppliers and employees to conduct themselves with the highest standards of honesty, fairness, and integrity, complying with all applicable laws and avoiding even the appearance of impropriety.

Supplier shall ensure that its employees, subcontractors, agents, and third parties assigned to provide services or products to HDT act consistently with this Supplier Ethics Policy. HDT may audit Supplier and inspect Supplier’s facilities to confirm compliance with this Policy. HDT may require Supplier to immediately remove any Supplier employee or representative that acts inconsistently with this or any other HDT policy. Failure to adhere to this Policy will result in disqualification from consideration for future business with HDT and may result in termination of existing business.


Compliance with applicable law and HDT policies

Supplier shall comply with all laws, regulations, and policies applicable to it and its dealings with HDT, including employment laws prohibiting discrimination and harassment. If this Policy or any other applicable HDT policy conflicts with applicable law, applicable law will govern such conflict to the extent it is impossible for Supplier to comply with both the law and the policy. If this Policy conflicts with any other applicable HDT policy, this Policy will govern to the extent it is impossible for Supplier to comply with both policies.


Insider trading

Federal and state laws prohibit trading in securities by anyone with material information not available to the public. Supplier’sinteractions with HDT may result in Supplier having access to material, nonpublic information about HDT or another company including HDT’s customers, suppliers, and other business partners. Supplier shall not engage in any action to take advantage of that information, including buying or selling HDT’s or that company’s securities or sharing that information with others.